
I was not offered an alumni interview at Early Decision and my application was deferred. Will I be able to have an interview during Regular Decision?


As explained in other posts, the alumni interviewing program is an optional part of the application, and the Admissions Committee recognizes that both applicant volume and geography will prevent us from offering alumni interviews to every candidate. It is probably that one of these two factors - not enough (or any) alumni volunteers in your area or a high volume of candidates from your area - prevented us from offering you an interview at Early Decision.

The short answer is that applicants who were deferred at Early Decision do remain "eligible" for interviews, in that your name is already on the list of candidates we have provided to local alumni volunteers in your area. If you are contacted, it should be between January 1 and mid-February. As described elsewhere, there is nothing you need to do to initiate the alumni interview process, and you should not contact the Admissions Office about scheduling an interview. You also should not worry if no interview offer comes. All deferred candidates should follow the advice offered here about keeping their application up to date.

If you were interviewed during Early Decision and were deferred, you will not be offered a second alumni interview.


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