
I'm a soccer player. Should I send you my athletic "highlights" video?

We recognize that many student-athletes are interested in pursuing their sport in college. We also recognize that many student-athletes might be seeking different levels of athletic competition (varsity, club, intramural, leisure, etc.) Luckily for us, we offer many different athletic opportunities for ALL students.

Having that said, if you are a student-athlete with a keen interest in a particular sport, we encourage you to contact the coach at Dartmouth directly. The Dartmouth Admissions office does not accept "Athletic Supplements" from the Common Application, and we also do not review videos or athletic portfolios. Instead, we rely on our coaches to communicate with you about their specific teams and programs.
You can find out more about the Dartmouth athletic programs here:

If you are a student-athlete but you are not interested in pursuing your sport in college, you can still tell us about your athletic involvement in the "Extracurriculars" section of the Common Application. We value all extracurriculars from Dance to Slam Poetry to Lacrosse, and we'll certainly be interested in seeing which activities bring out your passion.


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