
When is the best time to visit the Dartmouth campus?

The best times to visit are generally the summer and early fall. April and July through October are our busiest months for visitors. Thus, these are also the months when we have the most available programming in the Admissions Office- we offer campus tours, information sessions conducted by Admissions Officers as well as student forums with our Admissions Interns.

* Please visit our RSVP calendar for details:

* If you are visiting during the summer, classes will be in session for the sophomore class starting from the end of June through the middle of August so you will get to see the campus in full swing.

* If you are visiting during the fall, you will be able to sit in on a class. This option is NOT available in the summer due to high visitor volume and small summer class sizes.

* If you'd like to come when it's less busy, February, May, June and November may be good times for you!


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