
How do you evaluate music/art supplements?

It is not too often that the Admissions Officers who read your file will see your art supplement directly*. In our Office, we forward your CDs, portfolios, videos and photos to our arts faculty who assess your work and then send us back their evaluations. We take these evaluations into account when reading the rest of your application. An art/music/debate/etc. talent with top marks from our faculty members can be a compelling part of an applicant's candidacy, as is the case with any other form of outstanding extracurricular achievement.

*I do watch many of the YouTube links that you include though! I've listened to your a capella leads and trumpet solos, I've seen you on the ice landing a triple axle, I've watched the video productions filmed in your school hallways and your creative animations. These were a nice breather for me last winter during days when the Admissions team would spend 8-10 hours a day reading files! You guys are great - keep up the good work.


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